Be Your Own Valentine
Sessions with Jill can be purchased at the bottom of the page.
Okay, I know Valentine's Day is coming up. Are you ready for hearts and flowers? Are you wanting that heart-shaped box of candy? I don't know about you, but I used to feel left out on Valentine's Day if I didn't have a boyfriend. Everywhere I looked people were holding hands or buying each other flowers or sending cards... but not me. I felt left out, inadequate, less than. Not too long ago, I realized I could be my own Valentine. By that I mean, I could love myself, I could cherish myself whether I had a man or not. So on February 14, I buy myself a card or flowers or get a massage or do something nice just for me.
What would you do just for you? I don't mean doing something destructive and necessarily expensive. It could be something very simple, like taking a long, hot bath.