Meet Jill Raiguel, MFT Therapist and Shamanic Healer
Jill Raiguel has had a lifelong passion for making a difference. Over the last 20 years, she has used her insight, caring, and skill to help thousands heal themselves from abuse of all kinds. Recognizing that many needed life skills as well as healing, Raiguel worked with Harvard trained Dr. Merle Sprinzen to develop the Life Skills quiz and training. Raiguel, herself a child of an alcoholic dad, had to learn her own missing life skills. She designed a special life skills program for the US Air Force Violence Prevention project, New York City and Parents Anonymous. Professionals have recognized her work as a breakthrough in abuse recovery. It helps people break the generational abuse cycle, and become "abuse hardy."
Always on the leading edge, Raiguel was one of the youngest high school counselors in California. She was 23. While counseling at a Northern California high school. She developed their peer counseling program. She then consulted for the Office of Education training other schools to set up peer counseling programs. Next Raiguel journeyed to Alaska and became their first Drug Abuse Training officer. There she helped implement that state's competency-based counselor training program.
Another theme in Raiguel's life is writing. After editing her high school newspaper, she became editor of her college paper. She has written poetry since she was 16. After several years, she just completed teaching writing at her home high school. She teaches students to make friends with writing. Raiguel not only teaches how to write, but how to use writing to work through issues and express feelings safely.
In addition to writing Raiguel loves to sing musical comedy, swim and walk in nature. She delights in blowing bubbles and playing the kazoo. She has traveled extensively in Europe, Alaska and Africa.
Raiguel earned her BS degree from Hunter College in New York City, and a Masters from California State University at Hayward, California. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a member of Delta Kappa Gamma, the National Teachers Honored Society.
All her books teach with warmth and clarity. Currently she consults school districts that want conflict management. She also trains professionals in life skills and abuse recovery.
Jill Raiguel is available to speak or train.